Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good stuff you probably aren't reading - INK

Hey all, here's another great book that most likely you aren't reading or even thought of picking up. It's part of the Final Crisis Aftermath arcs...but i really dosen't have much to do with Final Crisis.
Meet Mark Richards, The Tattooed Man, formally a villan but in the wake of Final Crisis he finds himself for the first time trying to be a hero. Mark is trying to go on the straight and narrow and become a icon in his home town Liberty Hill...also known a Liberty Hell!! Known for gang violence and corrupt cops Mark has quite a task ahead of him...and now something new as come up...some of his tattoos seem to have taken on a life of their own!

Written by newcomer Eric Wallace, who you may know from TV's Eureka, and painted art by Fabrizio Florentino, which looks amazing! Issue 1 and 2 are are the shelf now and 3 hits July 29th.

1 comment:

dylanio21 said...

Looks like if Jakeem Thunder was thuggin' and buggin'.