Thursday, August 6, 2009

Batman Arkham Asylum - Demo out tomorrow?!

Hey all, rumor is that there will be a Batman Arkham Asylum Demo out tomorrow (August 7th)!!

Anticipation is high on this new game, being the first game that is based purely on the comics and not a movie or cartoon franchise. Will this game do what Dark Knight did for super hero movies and show everybody that you can make a good licensed game?! Let us hope so!

Demo is rumored to be out August 7th with the actual game scheduled for August 25th.

1 comment:

TheFlashIsANascarFan said...

The demo was extraordinary! Batman is really tough without him being too difficult to control. The game will still keep the most experienced of gamers on their toes, though, I'm sure.

I'll be there in line on the 25th!